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HMO Cognition Video Thumbnail

Why is myelination important? - Dr, Jonas Hauser

Impact of Bioactive Nutrition in Neurodevelopment - Dr. Jonas Hauser

What is myelination? - Dr. Jonas Hauser


The role of polar lipids in brain and cognitive development - Dr. Pascal Steiner

Dr. Pascal Steiner

The SING Study – Diet quality of local preschool children and impact on development: Prof. Albert Lee


Difficulty in weaning and modifying early childhood dietary pattern from home to school: Miss Carmen Lo


Local challenges of maternal and infant nutrition: Prof. Wing Hung Tam

Lecture 1_Dr- Gisella Mutungi

Food for thought – Important brain nutrients throughout pregnancy and early childhood: Dr Gisella Mutungi

Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Brain Development - Dr. Sanja Budisavljevic

Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Brain Development - Dr. Sanja Budisavljevic

Sanja Budisavljević, PhD