Summary of Canadian Consensus on Female Nutrition

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Clinical Nutrition Nursing / Care Obstetrics / Gynaecology Healthy Eating & Hydration
Summary of Canadian Consensus on Female Nutrition

A clinical practice guideline for healthcare professionals with the basic knowledge and tools to provide nutrition guidance to women in different life stages, from adolescence to menopause and beyond. This summary focuses on the key recommendations for optimizing nutrition before, during and after pregnancy.


Nutrition Working Group, O'Connor DL, Blake J, Bell R, Bowen A, Callum J, Fenton S, Gray-Donald K, Rossiter M, Adamo K, Brett K, Khatri N, Robinson N, Tumback L, Cheung A. Canadian Consensus on Female Nutrition: Adolescence, Reproduction, Menopause, and Beyond. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2016; 38(6): 508-554.
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