Lifestyle intervention for controlling excess gestational weight gain

Women with overweight (25> BMI <30) and obesity (BMI ≥30) gain more weight than recommendation during gestation are associated with increased risks for obesity in the children. A randomized trial unveiled that a lifestyle intervention to promote healthy diet and physical activities to manage gestational weight gain among pregnant women with overweight and obesity led to offspring with greater fat-free mass at birth, while no difference in fat mass was noted versus control group (usual obstetrical care).
"Intervening in women with overweight and obesity through behaviors promoting healthy diet and physical activity to control gestational weight gain resulted in neonates with similar fat and greater fat free mass. "
Link to Publication:
Gallagher D, et al. Greater Neonatal Fat-Free Mass and Similar Fat Mass Following a Randomized Trial to Control Excess Gestational Weight Gain. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2018;26(3):578-587.
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