[Literature Library] Advocacy for improving nutrition in the first 1000 days to support child brain development

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Clinical Nutrition General Medicine Paediatrics Healthy Eating & Hydration Neuroscience Nutrition & Disease Management
[Literature Library] Advocacy for improving nutrition in the first 1000 days to support child brain development

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published a policy statement, which aims to inform healthcare professionals including pediatricians on the key role of nutrition in brain development during the first 1000 days, where overall nutrition and provision of adequate amount of key macro- and micro-nutrients at critical developmental periods are necessary to support neurodevelopment, including protein, zinc, iron, choline, folate, iodine, vitamins A, D, B6, B12, and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Link to Publication: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/early/2018/01/18/peds.2017-3716.full.pdf




Schwarzenberg SJ, Georgieff MK; Committee on Nutrition. Advocacy for Improving Nutrition in the First 1000 Days to Support Childhood Development and Adult Health. Pediatrics. 2018;141(2): pii: e20173716. doi: 10.1542/peds.2017-3716. 
