Brain Development

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Nutrition and brain flexibility: learnings from the baby connectome project

Nutrition and brain flexibility: learnings from the baby connectome project

Prof. Weili Lin

[Science Update] Neurodevelopmental outcomes in infants and maternal SARS-CoV-2 infections

Q&A from the "Myelin Matters" Video Series - Dr. Jonas Hauser

Q&A from the "Myelin Matters" Video Series - Dr. Jonas Hauser

HMO Cognition Video Thumbnail

Why is myelination important? - Dr, Jonas Hauser


[Literature library] Efficacy of myelin nutrient blend on developmental myelination


9th International Conference on Nutrition & Growth Symposium


The role of polar lipids in brain and cognitive development - Dr. Pascal Steiner

Dr. Pascal Steiner
Q&A from the "What is Learning?" video series - The Role of Cognitive Stimulation for Learning - Dr Sanja Budisavljevic

Q&A from the "What is Learning?" video series - The Role of Cognitive Stimulation for Learning - Dr Sanja Budisavljevic