book Brain




Baby Connectome Project (BCP): Connecting the Dots on Early Brain Development

Baby Connectome Project (BCP): Connecting the Dots on Early Brain Development


The role of Cognitive Stimulation for Learning, Sanja Budisavljevic

The role of Cognitive Stimulation for Learning

Sanja Budisavljević, PhD
Baby Connectome Project Enriched Study (BCP-Enriched): Evolution of Gut Microbiome during early infancy

Baby Connectome Project Enriched Study (BCP-Enriched): Evolution of Gut Microbiome during early infancy

Lecture 1_Dr- Gisella Mutungi

Food for thought – Important brain nutrients throughout pregnancy and early childhood: Dr Gisella Mutungi

Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Brain Development - Dr. Sanja Budisavljevic

Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Brain Development - Dr. Sanja Budisavljevic

Sanja Budisavljević, PhD