wave Brain

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Conference Updates


Hong Kong Post Graduate Program in Pediatric Nutrition (PGPN) Online Symposium 2020

Hong Kong Post Graduate Program in Pediatric Nutrition (PGPN) Online Symposium 2020

Early life presence of 6’SL alters microbiota, early life brain gene expression and long-term potentiation

Early life presence of 6’SL alters microbiota, early life brain gene expression and long-term potentiation

Glutamatergic gene expression mediates the relationship between gut bacteria and recognition memory in context of milk oligosaccharide intake

Glutamatergic gene expression mediates the relationship between gut bacteria and recognition memory in context of milk oligosaccharide intake

A positive correlation between breast milk 3’-sialyllactose and language development during early infancy

A positive correlation between breast milk 3’-sialyllactose and language development during early infancy


Brain, Learning & Cognition - what nutrition is really impacting

Brain, Learning & Cognition - what nutrition is really impacting

Dr. Nora Schneider